Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Top of the Mornin' ya

Thus far, I have used Google quite a bit this morning to track down some views on Musical Philosophy to use for my class syllabus assignment.  I then used Google to research proper citations and some music books.  After that I used Gmail to e-mail my syllabus assignment to my instructor...  All while watching Star Trek: The Next Generation on TV, where I have been bombarded with advertisements for Zantac, Futureshop, Best Buy and all that other jazz pushing consumerism for Christmas... I think tonight I will find out who the heck owns Google it pretty much runs our lives right now.... I'm surprised I haven't used Wikipedia yet....

I am now about to embark on finding some eLinks to some journals on UBC's library website for my 307 final paper.  Only a few more days of school... definitely in need of a break!

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